Proud traitors to their class, our members are using their wealth and influence to fix a rigged system. They are investors, business owners and executives, lawyers, inheritors, filmmakers, authors, and, most importantly, patriots. Meet the Patriotic Millionaires.
“We have a responsibility to ensure that our planet is healthy and habitable for future generations. In my case as a person of wealth, I can only fulfill this responsibility if lawmakers strengthen their resolve to tax me more.”
“It’s just basic business sense to recognize that workers are human beings, not disposable and replaceable cogs in a machine. When people are paid enough to feel a basic level of economic security, they will be stronger and more productive workers.”
“Being a patriot and loving this country means a lot of things, but the willingness to pay and support it financially – not just verbally or emotionally – is an important part of being able to call yourself a patriot.”
“A small number of wealthy families dominate our economic and political systems. If we don’t do something soon to rein in extreme wealth, America will continue to look more and more like an aristocracy and less and less like a democracy.”
“People say that I deserve my wealth because I became a partner in elite law firms and worked hard as a trial lawyer. But that does not mean that I should be treated better than my fellow hardworking Americans who are not wealthy. I should be paying my fair share back into the society in which I have prospered.”
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