The Patriotic Millionaires Chair Morris Pearl highly recommends seeing the HBO Documentary Films and Blowback Productions final installment, “A Class Divide,” of their riveting income inequality trilogy. Director Marc Levin and Producer Daphne Pinkerson look into the impact of global economic forces on individuals and their families. Out today- the film explores two very different worlds of Elliot-Chelsea: following students at an elite private school on the Avenues and students living in public housing projects enrolled in public schools.
“It’s not just a Chelsea issue, a New York issue, it really is everywhere. How do we create a society that doesn’t separate the super-elite, the super-rich from everyone else,” comments Levin on the film. The Patriotic Millionaires consider this film, which is highlighting the dangerous and rapid expansion of the wealth gap, as fundamental to the national conversation about economic inequality.
A recent Huffington Post article suggests “run, don’t walk, to see, ‘Class Divide.’ It gives the viewer incredible access to worlds you wouldn’t otherwise have exposure to or know about. It will change you.”