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  • Press release
  • Patriotic Millionaires on Cassidy-Graham: Appalling

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                              

    September 19, 2017

    Contact: Sam Quigley

    [email protected]


    **Watch the Patriotic Millionaires Media Reel**



    "The purpose of this bill is not to improve healthcare, it is to take money from Medicare recipients"


    Washington, DC – This afternoon, in response to Senate Republicans pushing yet another irresponsible and dangerous attempt to repeal and replace Obamacare, this time in the form of the Cassidy-Graham bill, the Patriotic Millionaires are speaking out. Cassidy-Graham's supporters claims to "give power back to the states," but this bill will lead to massive cuts to health care for millions of the most vulnerable people in the United States. Seniors, sick people, people with disabilities, and families with children will all be disproportionately hurt if this bill passes, while the path will be paved for large tax cuts for the wealthy. That trade-off is unacceptable to the Patriotic Millionaires, as it should be to every member of the Senate.


    In their own words:


    “Most of the time it is difficult to determine the winners and losers in a particular piece of legislation. Not this time. The Republican health care bill is very clear. The winners are the wealthiest Americans, who are already doing quite well in today’s economy. The losers are middle class and lower-income Americans, urban and rural, who now will have to struggle even more to meet their basic needs,” said Frank Patitucci, Patriotic Millionaire.


    “This bill is the perfect poster child for the entire economic philosophy of the Republican Party, which can be nicely summarized in three words: Soak The Poor,” said David Goldschmidt, Patriotic Millionaire.


    "A sick population diminishes our productivity, our tax base, and our strength as a nation. If every American had access to healthcare, we would have stronger families, stronger communities, and a stronger America," said Nancy Carlston, Patriotic Millionaire.


    "The purpose of this bill is not to improve healthcare, it is to take money from Medicare recipients in order to fund a tax cut for the rich. McConnell trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the American people is appalling. But what would be more appalling is if we fell for it (again)," said Ron Garret, Patriotic Millionaire.


    "The ultimate outcome of eliminating health care for the elderly, the infirm, the disabled, the middle class (whatever is left of it) and the poor will result in mortality rates sky-rocketing to those of Third World countries. This “Health Care Bill” has nothing to do with health care, other than eliminating it for tens of millions of Americans," said Ellyn Gelson, Patriotic Millionaire.


    To schedule an interview or for further comment, please contact Sam Quigley at [email protected].





    About the Patriotic Millionaires


    Proud “traitors to their class,” members of the Patriotic Millionaires are high-net worth Americans, business leaders, and investors who are united in their concern about the destabilizing concentration of wealth and power in America. The mission of The Patriotic Millionaires organization is to build a more stable, prosperous, and inclusive nation by promoting public policies based on the “first principles” of equal political representation, a guaranteed living wage for all working citizens, and a fair tax system. You can find out more at http://pm-mig.test/about/


    The Patriotic Millionaires have appeared on hundreds of media outlets here and abroad, including The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, the PBS NewsHour, The New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, and many others. You can find more coverage at http://pm-mig.test/media




    The Patriotic Millionaires

    The Patriotic Millionaires
    1701 K St NW
    Suite 750
    Washington DC 20006 United States