For Immediate Release
Thursday, June 27, 2024
Patriotic Millionaires Respond to Trump’s Debate Comments: Billionaires Bought a Champion
“… a corrupt class of American oligarchs is again circling the wagons around their fellow billionaire, fully prepared to sacrifice democracy at the altar of new tax cuts.”
WASHINGTON, DC – Tonight, former President Donald Trump took to the CNN debate stage and lied to voters about the impact of his disastrous tax cuts.
In response, Morris Pearl, the Chair of the Patriotic Millionaires and a former managing director at BlackRock, Inc., released the following statement:
“Americans should understand something: when Donald Trump promises tax cuts, he doesn’t mean for you. Donald Trump is promising tax cuts for his fellow billionaires.
Trump’s singular legislative ‘achievement’ while president was slashing tax rates for corporations and billionaires and feeding a cycle of growing inequality that is destabilizing our economy and our democracy. Now he has promised, not only to extend the expiring provisions of his tax cuts but to expand upon them, giving the ultra-wealthy yet another windfall they do not need or deserve.
It’s no wonder that, despite publicly abandoning Trump in the aftermath of his failed January 6th insurrection, a corrupt class of American oligarchs is circling the wagons around their fellow billionaire, fully prepared to sacrifice democracy at the altar of new tax cuts.
This cabal of plutocrats has calculated that America’s democratic institutions are a small price to pay to protect and fatten their bottom line. They would rather empower their billionaire buddy Donald Trump – consequences be damned – if it means another few quarters of record-breaking profits. Rich people like me do not need more tax cuts, and anyone proposing to give me one anyway is not offering serious policy proposals.”
For additional information or interview requests, please contact Chase Hardin at [email protected].
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