Money Doesn’t Grow on Rich People
We’ve forgotten that money doesn’t grow on rich people. We make our own money via the institution of government and it’s time we remembered how to use it properly.
We’ve forgotten that money doesn’t grow on rich people. We make our own money via the institution of government and it’s time we remembered how to use it properly.
We are asking that our politicians to stop pandering to millionaires, and focus on what will help our economy grow. Raising minimum wages, lowering taxes on wage earners, and ending tax favoritism for unearned income is a good place to start.
The Patriotic Millionaires believe that raising and indexing the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour is a step towards a stronger economy for all.
Exclusionary policies that disproportionately affect minorities, women, or people of the LGBTQ community, only further detract from the American economic potential.
It was in the 1980s that public and private institutions began separate but complementary assaults on the American social contract. Tragically, America has let the decline go on…and on.
Tragically, Ryan has no concept of the depth or extent of poverty in America. He presents ideas that nibble around serious issues, while tens of millions of Americans suffer real time consequences of failed policy.
So here is what I think we as a nation need to admit we have experienced of late: They don’t work for us anymore! Congress, the 535 elected officials chosen to do the bidding of their constituents, have slowly turned their backs on the people and instead gone where the money leads them.
It impacts how we live and even how long we live. It affects education, the length and depth of poverty in our nation, our ability to rise and make a new life for ourselves. Structural inequality means that public policies are made to benefit a very few instead of the mass of Americans. Despite vaunted myths about our democracy, average Americans have little or no influence on political decisions in the United States.
Rensi leads his argument with the statement that proponents of raising the minimum wage have a fundamental misunderstanding of the service industry. Rather, it turns out that Rensi has a fundamental misunderstanding of economic reality.
By allowing financial advisors to put their own interests ahead of their clients, the few bad actors will be unfairly competing with the many ethical financial advisors who actually do a good job.
We have to fix this mess we created. And even if we can’t really fix it, we have to at least try, don’t you think?
What if more major companies shared the wealth with the employees who helped build them? If more enterprises valued their employees, not just with living wages but also with ownership stakes, we’d have considerably less inequality.
The public education system in this country, the infrastructure in this country, the civic institutions, make it possible for people with drive to achieve their dreams. I’ve been able to live my dreams. But I am worried that it may not remain that way much longer.
A stronger middle class means higher spending power, a growing economy, and the creation of jobs. More importantly though, we benefit when we have a middle class that has less stress and more dignity. It’s a value decision that will keep us moving forward as a democracy.
We would expect a more serious analysis from the largest newspaper in the Wisconsin, but they missed the fundamental issue.
Millions of Utahns will file their taxes this week, but thousands of investment fund managers earning millions of dollars per year will pay at a lower tax rate than teachers, firefighters and most ordinary Americans. A group of Utahns, the Utah Chapter of the Patriotic Millionaires, want this changed and called on Senator Orrin Hatch to close the “carried interest loophole.”
The Patriotic Millionaires consider this film, which is highlighting the dangerous and rapid expansion of the wealth gap, as fundamental to the national conversation about economic inequality.
I do not believe in ensuring equal outcomes, but I do believe in equalizing opportunity wherever possible. I have had a fair shot in life. I want to make sure that as many other people as possible do too. That is why I am a Patriotic Millionaire.
The tiered raise, which is part of the New York state proposed budget, represents a major victory for wage earners and the New York economy. In time, the nation will follow suit, shortening the economic gap, strengthening the American economy, and granting true sustainable living wages to a valued part of society.
Some of our leaders suggest that American families must live within their income and balance their budgets – and that should apply to the government too. That is simply not the case. The government of the most powerful country on the face of the earth is fundamentally different than a typical family.