Today the Senate paved the way for a vote on Monday to confirm President Trump’s pick for the Treasury Secretary, Steve Mnuchin. On behalf of the entire organization, Chair Morris Pearl has released the following statement urging the Senate to understand that Mnuchin is not fit to be Treasury Secretary:
“Steve Mnuchin is not fit to be Treasury Secretary. He is a proponent of the brand of trickle down economics that has never and will never create actual growth. His plan to cut corporate tax rates will result only in further burdening the regular American taxpayers. Trying to race to the bottom by competing with other countries that have near zero corporate tax rate is a win for corporations, not for anybody else.
Mr. Mnuchin clearly misled the Senate Finance Committee by withholding information about his assets as well as lying about his work while head of OneWest. He said that the bank had not engaged in robo-signing, even after his own employees admitted doing so. Did he forget his own study that found over 6% of the bank’s foreclosures were not done properly, and judges around the country rejected the bank’s documentation? At a time when trust in government is at an all time low, we need a Treasury Secretary with integrity.
I thank Senator Wyden, Senator Brown, and those Senators on the Senate Finance Committee who stood up for the American people by refusing to abet the confirmation of Mr. Mnuchin as Secretary of the Treasury last week. I hope the entire Senate follows suit next Monday.”