Tag Archives: work requirements

Cutting through the spin around the debt ceiling deal

The debt ceiling crisis may soon be over. Just a few days ago, President Biden and House Speaker McCarthy struck a deal to suspend the debt limit and freeze federal spending over the next two years, and the House is set to vote on, and likely pass, this deal this evening. But while the US may narrowly avoid a default, we don’t think this deal is cause for celebration. … Continue reading Cutting through the spin around the debt ceiling deal »

Work requirements make the poor poorer

Republicans are holding the economy hostage by refusing to raise the debt ceiling for one reason and one reason only: their determination to slash federal spending and make the poor poorer. President Biden and House Speaker McCarthy are still negotiating a deal to raise the debt ceiling before June 1, as Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned Congress yesterday that it is highly likely that the federal government will run … Continue reading Work requirements make the poor poorer »