Tag Archives: American Dream

PM Abigail Disney’s film premieres at the 2022 Sundance Film Festival

Patriotic Millionaire Abigail Disney has been one of the most outspoken advocates on our issues for years, and we are excited to share the news of yet another incredible and impactful piece of work that her and her team have produced. The nonprofit Sundance Institute recently announced that The American Dream and Other Fairy Tales – a film that Abigail co-directed and co-produced – will … Continue reading PM Abigail Disney’s film premieres at the 2022 Sundance Film Festival »

What Happened to the American Dream?

This blog originally appeared on WalkerViewPoints on 9/30/20  Many kids, like me, first-generation college students, with farm and factory parents realized the American Dream. Ours was postwar America, a time of relative prosperity, when a poor kid could afford a decent college, when good jobs were abundant, and when wages were good.’ Introducing the Great Society in 1964 at the University of Michigan, Lyndon Johnson … Continue reading What Happened to the American Dream? »