Tag Archives: Georgia

Shame on Governor Kemp

Last week Governor Kemp made an appearance on Fox News to defend his state’s decision to reduce voting rights throughout Georgia while comparing his actions to my state of Colorado. While listening to Governor Kemp speak, I was disgusted although not surprised. Kemp’s spin was misleading, lacking real context and in areas, blatant lies. Equally important, Kemp and his conservative Georgia lawmakers seem to have … Continue reading Shame on Governor Kemp »

When the Patriotic Millionaires Went Down to Georgia

This past election a group of my friends and I hopped on a plane in the middle of a pandemic and flew to the battleground state of Georgia to become poll watchers. It’s no secret that our elections system is in desperate need of reform, but on election day I was able to witness firsthand how vastly different and challenging voting is in a traditionally … Continue reading When the Patriotic Millionaires Went Down to Georgia »