Tag Archives: Taxes

Republicans Want to Make All of the States More Like Kansas

While the Republicans reconcile the two versions of the tax bill that passed each chamber, it’s important to remember exactly what about each was so contemptible. Surely removal of the SALT (state and local taxes) deduction is at the top of the list. On the surface, removing the tax deduction that chiefly benefits high tax states makes some sense. Why, after all, should the federal … Continue reading Republicans Want to Make All of the States More Like Kansas »

The #GradStudentTax is the End of Equal Opportunity

In a bill full of boondoggles to the 1%, few other amendments are as egregious as the graduate student tax. The aforementioned tax has been championed as a way to increase tax revenue in the wake of mounting special interest pressure to remove the estate tax. Thus, it is simply a shifting of the fiscal burden onto hard-working, less privileged citizens in order for the … Continue reading The #GradStudentTax is the End of Equal Opportunity »

Pearls of Wisdom: Does Gary Cohn Even Understand the Estate Tax

Gary Cohn, the director of the National Economic Council was just on CNBC talking about the necessity of repealing the estate tax. Mr. Cohn said: Well, look, we want that farmer to go out and buy the next piece of land, and the next piece of land, and the next piece of land, and create the economies of scale and be able to compete in … Continue reading Pearls of Wisdom: Does Gary Cohn Even Understand the Estate Tax »

My Tax Philosophy

When we discuss economics there are, very broadly, two types of people: First, there are regular people. They mostly need to work, and a lot of them try to save enough so that they can retire someday. Some of them succeed, but increasingly, many do not. Being a regular person means spending most of your income. Some live very well, and some live very poorly. … Continue reading My Tax Philosophy »