Tag Archives: Taxes

What You Need to Know About Kamala Harris’ Record on Taxes

The past month will go down as one of the most dramatic four-week periods in American history. This past Sunday, after several weeks of speculation, President Biden announced that he would step out of the 2024 presidential race. Shortly after the news broke, our Chair, Morris Pearl, released a statement on behalf of our organization, lauding Biden for his “unrivaled act of selfless patriotism.” You can read … Continue reading What You Need to Know About Kamala Harris’ Record on Taxes »

The Economist is Wrong About Unrealized Capital Gains 

I have been a subscriber to and reader of The Economist for almost 20 years. I have appreciated their balanced and intelligent coverage of world events, with a perspective of classical economic liberalism (free markets, free trade, deregulation, and globalism). Yet I find myself in the unusual position of taking issue with two of their recent articles: “How to tax billionaires – and how not … Continue reading The Economist is Wrong About Unrealized Capital Gains  »

Project 2025 Will Be a Tax Nightmare

Republicans have done a lot of damage to the American tax code over the years by giving massive and harmful cuts to the wealthy and corporations. But if they win back the White House and get the chance to implement Project 2025, that damage will be supercharged to another level. We told you about Project 2025 on July 4th, and it’s since received a great deal … Continue reading Project 2025 Will Be a Tax Nightmare »

Corporate Tax Cuts Help No One But The Wealthy

We’ve known for a while that next to none of the spoils from the 2017 Trump tax bill’s infamous corporate tax cut trickled down to workers. But now, thanks to recent reporting from some of our allies, we’re more certain than ever that the cut’s benefits instead gushed up to wealthy shareholders like many of us. One of the major provisions of the 2017 Tax … Continue reading Corporate Tax Cuts Help No One But The Wealthy »

We Need A Coordinated Minimum Tax on Billionaires

We’ve known for a while now that our desire for lawmakers around the world to raise taxes on wealthy people like us isn’t fringe. But now, we officially have the numbers to back it up – and a blueprint for how international leaders can institute minimum standards for taxing the global rich. The last time we discussed our international work was back in April. A lot has … Continue reading We Need A Coordinated Minimum Tax on Billionaires »

The Cold Hard Facts about the TCJA

If you’re a regular reader of our newsletter, you know how often we talk about the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), which is former President Trump and Republicans’ signature tax bill from December 2017. And if you know how much we talk about the TCJA, you know how often and how loudly we say the package delivered a massive windfall to the ultra-wealthy and corporations. We … Continue reading The Cold Hard Facts about the TCJA »

What Patriotism Means on Tax Day

Here we are again: Tax Day. Every year, millions of Americans gather their W-2s and 1099s, compile their receipts, their mortgage interest 1098s, and a dizzying array of other tax forms. Then, the vast majority fire up tax filing software from the likes of Intuit or H&R Block. Taxpayers in a few states may take advantage of the IRS’s new Direct File pilot program. Others will … Continue reading What Patriotism Means on Tax Day »

That’s a Wrap: Patriotic Millionaires’ 5th Annual Spring Symposium

We are happy to report that the Patriotic Millionaires’ fifth annual Spring Symposium, “How to Fix Everything,” was a smashing success! Over the course of three days this week, we engaged with activists, policy experts, and lawmakers about the critical need to raise taxes on the rich, raise the wage floor, and strengthen American democracy. Now that it’s over, we’d like to share some of … Continue reading That’s a Wrap: Patriotic Millionaires’ 5th Annual Spring Symposium »

How to Fix Everything

Next week, members of the Patriotic Millionaires will gather in Washington, DC for our fifth annual symposium, “How to Fix Everything.” The three-day event has become the highlight of the Patriotic Millionaires’ annual calendar. Our members gather together for strategy sessions with academics, activists, and lawmakers to discuss how to transform the economy and make it work for every American, and not just a wealthy … Continue reading How to Fix Everything »

Corporations are Supercharging Inequality

We always knew that corporations and their C-suite executives were hoarding profits and driving inequality through the roof, and now our friends at Oxfam, the Institute for Policy Studies, and Americans for Tax Fairness have fresh data to prove it. This week, Oxfam published its analysis of the largest 200 public companies’ contributions to inequality in the US, aptly called the Corporate Inequality Footprint. In short, … Continue reading Corporations are Supercharging Inequality »

Taxes are having a moment

Taxes are having a moment. Tomorrow night, President Biden will deliver his annual State of the Union address before both houses of Congress. He is expected to touch on a number of critical issues, but early reports suggest the President will emphasize economic populism, and in particular, call for the ultra-wealthy and corporations to pay more in taxes. In what may be his biggest televised appearance before … Continue reading Taxes are having a moment »

Our First Endorsements of 2024

We hate to kick things off with a cliché, but it’s an important one: elections have consequences. While cynics will dismiss elections as a rubber stamp on the status quo, the reality is that two starkly different realities are possible in January of 2025. In one of those realities, a newly inaugurated President Trump kicks off his second term with a series of vengeful abuses of … Continue reading Our First Endorsements of 2024 »

Breadcrumbs for the Poor and Bread Baskets for Corporations

The new bipartisan tax deal is just the first of many battles that will ensue over the next year with the expiration of a number of the 2017 Trump tax cuts. Unfortunately, Democrats just can’t seem to help themselves. Instead of standing up and demanding what America really needs – a smart tax code that incentivizes the society they want – they have once again gone … Continue reading Breadcrumbs for the Poor and Bread Baskets for Corporations »

Congress is Trading Horses. Kids are Losing Out.

Republicans and Democrats have been engaging in some horse trading on tax policy lately, but the deal, in its current form, provides corporations – already flush with cash – a massive tax break while working families will see only a modest extension of the Child Tax Credit. Two weeks ago, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden (D-OR) and House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason … Continue reading Congress is Trading Horses. Kids are Losing Out. »

The Year Ahead

Happy new year! We hope that you had a wonderful holiday season and that your new year has begun with notes of hope and joy. Like everyone else, the Patriotic Millionaires are using the start of a new year to take stock of our priorities and map out the challenges – and opportunities – we anticipate in the year ahead. For this week’s Closer Look, … Continue reading The Year Ahead »

Republicans’ Track Record on Tax Evasion is Abysmal

Last week, President Biden’s son Hunter was indicted on nine counts of tax evasion by David Weiss, the special counsel leading an investigation into Hunter’s business dealings. The 56-page indictment alleges that, between 2016 and 2019, Hunter failed to pay at least $1.4 million in federal taxes, and instead used the millions he received in income over that period to fund an “extravagant lifestyle.” Republicans who see the Biden … Continue reading Republicans’ Track Record on Tax Evasion is Abysmal »

Sounding Alarms and Waving Flags about Moore v. US

Next week, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments for Moore v. United States. At the eleventh hour, this seemingly esoteric case is starting to get “Moore” attention from the broader public, which is a welcome development considering the damage it could do in the fight for tax justice in America. For several months, the Patriotic Millionaires have been sounding the alarm over Moore v. United States. … Continue reading Sounding Alarms and Waving Flags about Moore v. US »

Morris Pearl Testifies Before Congress: “Tax me!”

The Patriotic Millionaires are always up to exciting things, but today was exceptional: our Chair, Morris Pearl, testified in person before the Senate Committee on Finance at their hearing, “Examining How the Tax Code Affects High-Income Individuals and Tax Planning Strategies.” The hearing focused on the ways in which the tax code treats wealthy Americans like Morris and our members, with a particular focus on … Continue reading Morris Pearl Testifies Before Congress: “Tax me!” »

Get ready for Moore trouble with the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court has been on a roll lately, but, unfortunately, not in the right direction. On June 29, the conservative majority on the Court voted to strike down affirmative action admissions policies at our nation’s colleges and universities. (Click HERE to read the Patriotic Millionaires’ response to the decision.) The next day, June 30, the same majority then voted to block the implementation of President Biden’s student loan forgiveness program. … Continue reading Get ready for Moore trouble with the Supreme Court »