Tag Archives: gig work

Rep. Cuellar’s Labor Bill is Blatantly Anti-Worker

This week, the country’s most exploitative corporations are getting a big win from Representative Henry Cuellar, who once again proved his allegiance lies with corporate America after his introduction of one of the most appalling bills of the year: the Orwellian named H.R.8442 – Worker Flexibility and Choice Act. This bill, which would exempt huge swaths of the workforce from federal minimum wage and overtime … Continue reading Rep. Cuellar’s Labor Bill is Blatantly Anti-Worker »

Gig workers deserve better

In recent months, employees at a number of big-box corporations – most notably Starbucks, Amazon, Apple, REI, and Trader Joe’s – have taken historic first steps in organizing unions. For far too long, these and other companies in the service industry have treated their employees poorly, so it’s great to see workers all over the country join forces to fight back. As it happens though, these brave employees leading unionization efforts … Continue reading Gig workers deserve better »