What’s at Stake in November for the Minimum Wage

The Patriotic Millionaires spend a significant amount of time and energy working to change federal policy for the issues we work on. Fighting economic inequality at the national level is the most impactful way to make change – but unfortunately, in many cases, it’s not always the quickest or most effective. Sometimes change has to happen at the state or local level. Just look at … Continue reading What’s at Stake in November for the Minimum Wage »

Hold Corporate Union-Busters Accountable

In the last few years, we’ve seen a resurgence of the labor movement, especially among workforces in the service and warehouse industry. Employees of corporations like Starbucks, Amazon, and Trader Joe’s are tired of being understaffed, overworked, and underpaid, and they’ve started embracing unions in record numbers. These workers are demanding a place at the table where they can better advocate for higher pay, improved … Continue reading Hold Corporate Union-Busters Accountable »

Rep. Cuellar’s Labor Bill is Blatantly Anti-Worker

This week, the country’s most exploitative corporations are getting a big win from Representative Henry Cuellar, who once again proved his allegiance lies with corporate America after his introduction of one of the most appalling bills of the year: the Orwellian named H.R.8442 – Worker Flexibility and Choice Act. This bill, which would exempt huge swaths of the workforce from federal minimum wage and overtime … Continue reading Rep. Cuellar’s Labor Bill is Blatantly Anti-Worker »

The Racial Wealth Gap Makes Everything Worse, Even our Democracy

Throughout the history of the United States, people of color have had a diminished voice in politics when compared to their white counterparts, largely due to discriminatory policies like poll taxes, gerrymandering, and even outright bans on their right to vote. Although access to the voting box has drastically improved over the past decade, there’s still a long way to go. We cannot claim to … Continue reading The Racial Wealth Gap Makes Everything Worse, Even our Democracy »

Unions Benefit Us All

Labor unions have historically used the power of collective bargaining to advocate for many of the rights we now take for granted. The 40-hour workweek, overtime pay, workplace safety regulations, and the right to organize and negotiate with employers are just a few things that wouldn’t exist in America if it weren’t for the struggle of organized labor. Allowing workers the ability to organize and … Continue reading Unions Benefit Us All »

Global Millionaires Demand Davos Attendees Tax The Rich

GLOBAL MILLIONAIRES DEMAND DAVOS ATTENDEES TAX THE RICH Over 150 wealthy signatories of ‘In Tax We Trust’ letter call on Davos elites to step out of their private gatherings and address global inequality Their message comes alongside new data showing that a tax on the pandemic profits of food/agriculture billionaires alone could end world hunger   Davos, Switzerland – On the third day of the Davos conference, as … Continue reading Global Millionaires Demand Davos Attendees Tax The Rich »

Millionaires Protest in Davos Against Extreme Wealth and Call for Wealth Taxes 

Millionaires Protest in Davos Against Extreme Wealth and Call for Wealth Taxes  WHAT:  As the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum opens in Davos, Patriotic Millionaires, Patriotic Millionaires UK, and taxmenow join activists from the 99% Initiative and protest outside the elite compound, calling for an end to extreme wealth and support for wealth taxes. WHEN: Sunday 22 May, 1500CEST WHERE:  Postplatz, Davos, Switzerland ————————————————————————————————————————— Davos, Switzerland – As … Continue reading Millionaires Protest in Davos Against Extreme Wealth and Call for Wealth Taxes  »

Why I Am A Patriotic Millionaire: Jeff Huggett

At some point in everyone’s life they’ve been asked the hypothetical question, “So what would you do if you didn’t have to work for a living?” And for most of my life, that question was nothing more than an interesting thought experiment. Just something nice to think about, but of course I’d never achieve anything like that. So it came as a surprise to me … Continue reading Why I Am A Patriotic Millionaire: Jeff Huggett »

Patriotic Millionaires: Henry Cuellar “Does Not Deserve the Establishment’s Support” 

Patriotic Millionaires: Henry Cuellar “Does Not Deserve the Establishment’s Support”  “Not every Democrat has to agree on every issue, but some are non-negotiable.”  Washington DC – On May 24th, Representative Henry Cuellar will face off against primary opponent Jessica Cisneros in a runoff election that will serve as a proxy battle for the soul of the Democratic party. Jessica Cisneros, who was endorsed by the Patriotic … Continue reading Patriotic Millionaires: Henry Cuellar “Does Not Deserve the Establishment’s Support”  »

MONDAY: Patriotic Millionaires to Host Power and Money: Oligarchs vs. All of Us

MONDAY: Patriotic Millionaires to Host Power and Money: Oligarchs vs. All of Us Join a collection of “class traitors,” policy experts, activists, and elected officals for a groundbreaking conference taking on America’s oligarchs    Click here to watch the livestream at 2:30pm ET on Monday, April 4 Washington DC – Next Monday, April 4th, the Patriotic Millionaires, will host a policy conference “​​Oligarchs vs. All of Us: The … Continue reading MONDAY: Patriotic Millionaires to Host Power and Money: Oligarchs vs. All of Us »

Patriotic Millionaires Take Their Tax the Rich! Tour to Mitch McConnell’s Backyard, Launch 3-Day Tour of Kentucky

Patriotic Millionaires Take Their Tax the Rich! Tour to Mitch McConnell’s Backyard, Launch 3-Day Tour of Kentucky “The group will travel across the state to speak to the local Kentuckians about the need to unrig an economy that is designed to make the rich richer and everyone else poorer”  Louisville, KY – Today, the Patriotic Millionaires, a group of wealthy business leaders and investors, officially kick off their … Continue reading Patriotic Millionaires Take Their Tax the Rich! Tour to Mitch McConnell’s Backyard, Launch 3-Day Tour of Kentucky »

With Biden Endorsement of Billionaires Income Tax, Democrats Should Go All-In on Taxing the Rich

With Biden Endorsement of Billionaires Income Tax, Democrats Should Go All-In on Taxing the Rich “The American people want to tax the rich, and they’ll reward Democrats in November if they can do it.“ Washington, DC – Today, President Joe Biden plans to include in his budget a Billionaire Minimum Income Tax, an annual tax on unrealized capital gains of households worth over $100 million. This proposal is expected to … Continue reading With Biden Endorsement of Billionaires Income Tax, Democrats Should Go All-In on Taxing the Rich »

Patriotic Millionaires Applaud Senator Manchin’s Support for Raising Taxes on the Rich

Patriotic Millionaires Applaud Senator Manchin’s Support for Raising Taxes on the Rich “If Senator Manchin wants to raise taxes on wealthy Americans and corporations, then Democrats should take him up on the offer” Washington, DC – Today, West Virginia Senator, Joe Manchin, laid out a counteroffer to President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda that included raising taxes on the wealthy linked with prescription drug reform, climate mitigation efforts, … Continue reading Patriotic Millionaires Applaud Senator Manchin’s Support for Raising Taxes on the Rich »

Despite the Pandemic CEOs Made a Killing in 2020

Last week the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) released a bombshell report that showed CEO pay skyrocketed while worker compensation barely budged over the course of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. This report comes on the heels of Sarah Anderson’s Institute for Policy Studies’ report that revealed just over half of 100 S&P 500 companies who pay the lowest median worker wages broke their rules to give … Continue reading Despite the Pandemic CEOs Made a Killing in 2020 »

Parliamentarians, Byrd rule, and reconciliation

With only 50 Democrats in the Senate, supporters of President Biden’s COVID relief package don’t have the 60 votes necessary to overcome the filibuster and pass it as standard legislation. They also haven’t demonstrated a willingness to abolish the filibuster, leaving Senate Dems with one option: budget reconciliation. This process allows a simple majority to pass legislation by incorporating it into the budget, but it … Continue reading Parliamentarians, Byrd rule, and reconciliation »

The Good, The Bad, And the Ugly of the HEROES Act

Earlier this month, the Patriotic Millionaires launched an exciting new direct legislative advocacy project in tandem with several key allies called Donors Advocating for Real Economic Solutions (DARES). This joint venture is focused on creating legislation to relieve the economic pressure from the COVID-19 crisis by drawing on the collective power of political donors to directly and effectively lobby on behalf of legislation that will … Continue reading The Good, The Bad, And the Ugly of the HEROES Act »

Policy Primer: the Millionaires Surtax

Judging from the endless stream of news stories and data coming out every day on the unequal state of American economy, it should come as no surprise that policy proposals on taxing the rich have taken center stage ahead of 2020. While American CEO’s have enjoyed a 1,000% pay increase, wages for the everyday worker have remained pretty much stagnant, leaving the country with staggering … Continue reading Policy Primer: the Millionaires Surtax »