Tag Archives: Republicans

Republicans’ Track Record on Tax Evasion is Abysmal

Last week, President Biden’s son Hunter was indicted on nine counts of tax evasion by David Weiss, the special counsel leading an investigation into Hunter’s business dealings. The 56-page indictment alleges that, between 2016 and 2019, Hunter failed to pay at least $1.4 million in federal taxes, and instead used the millions he received in income over that period to fund an “extravagant lifestyle.” Republicans who see the Biden … Continue reading Republicans’ Track Record on Tax Evasion is Abysmal »

A Republican Congress Would Serve The Rich

Republicans have been busy in recent months cooking up plans for exactly what they want to accomplish if they retake Congress in the upcoming elections. It should come as no surprise that those plans are exactly what we’ve come to expect from the GOP for decades – tax breaks for the rich elite, crumbs for regular Americans, and the slashing of benefits and social services … Continue reading A Republican Congress Would Serve The Rich »