Tag Archives: Tax

A Republican Congress Would Serve The Rich

Republicans have been busy in recent months cooking up plans for exactly what they want to accomplish if they retake Congress in the upcoming elections. It should come as no surprise that those plans are exactly what we’ve come to expect from the GOP for decades – tax breaks for the rich elite, crumbs for regular Americans, and the slashing of benefits and social services … Continue reading A Republican Congress Would Serve The Rich »

Billionaire Income Tax Could Eliminate Tax on First $17,500 of Income for All Americans ($35,000 for Married Couples)

Some of you might remember that, prior to the Trump tax cuts for the rich in 2017, you were able to claim a personal exemption on your taxes that eliminated income tax on the first $4,050 in income ($8,100 for couples).  It was a big help to many of us, but Trump did away with the personal exemption for working Americans as part of his … Continue reading Billionaire Income Tax Could Eliminate Tax on First $17,500 of Income for All Americans ($35,000 for Married Couples) »

It Is Time We Reexamine the Cost of Reaganomics

President Ronald Reagan was a popular United States President. Upon leaving office, 63 percent of Americans overwhelmingly approved of the job he had done during his 8 years in office. His post-presidency popularity was solidified with efforts led by lobbyist and anti-tax activist Grover Norquist to convince local governments and private associations to name public spaces after Regan to preserve his legacy— particularly his tax … Continue reading It Is Time We Reexamine the Cost of Reaganomics »