Tag Archives: Student Loan Debt

Bye Bye Pell Grants, Hello Even More Student Loan Debt

Congressional Republicans sure have a hard time with math. In the most recent House budget, they included massive cuts to the Pell Grant program, which allows millions of students each year to better afford a college education, all in the name of fiscal responsibility. We can’t afford it, they say. It’s a sign of how quickly things change, I guess, that we suddenly can’t afford … Continue reading Bye Bye Pell Grants, Hello Even More Student Loan Debt »

Explosive Rise of Student Debt Threatens Workers’ Happiness, and Economic Stability

For many, going to college is the first chance for young adults to stretch their wings. It gives them the chance to be independent, to pursue their interests, and to set themselves up for success in the field of their choice. Unfortunately, for more than half of graduates, their degree comes at a hefty price. With federal student loan payments due just six months after … Continue reading Explosive Rise of Student Debt Threatens Workers’ Happiness, and Economic Stability »

The Insane Student Debt Crisis: Why are Corporations Treated Better than the Students?

By 2023, 40% of student loan borrowers are expected to be in default according to the Brookings Institute. With billions of dollars in tax cuts for the wealthy passed last year, and murmurs of a second round of similar legislation to be expected this fall, it’s time we address the biggest economic issue of our generation. Student loan debt is crippling millions of Americans, and it … Continue reading The Insane Student Debt Crisis: Why are Corporations Treated Better than the Students? »