“ I’m not any more altruistic than the next guy.
I’m just greedy for a different kind of country. ”

Morris Pearl, Chair, Patriotic Millionaires



I’m not any more altruistic than the next guy, I’m just greedy for a different kind of country than most other rich people. I want to be a rich man in a rich country.
Morris Pearl, Patriotic Millionaires Chair and Former Managing Director at BlackRock




Patriotic Millionaires

Proud “traitors to their class,” members of the Patriotic Millionaires are high-net worth Americans, business leaders, and investors who are united in their concern about the destabilizing concentration of wealth and power in America. The mission of The Patriotic Millionaires organization is to build a more stable, prosperous, and inclusive nation by promoting public policies based on the “first principles” of equal political representation, a guaranteed living wage for all working citizens, and a fair tax system: 1. All citizens should enjoy political power equal to that enjoyed by millionaires; 2. All citizens who work full time should be able to afford their basic needs; 3. Tax receipts from millionaires, billionaires and corporations should comprise a greater proportion of federal tax receipts.
Patriotic Millionaires
Patriotic Millionaires22 hours ago
Meet the American aristocracy.

The Walton Family, heirs to the Walmart fortune, are now worth more than $300 billion dollars combined.

They probably pay a lower tax rate than you do...
Patriotic Millionaires
Patriotic Millionaires2 days ago
Looks like money really can buy you anything: Welcome to the new Gilded Age.

According to a new report from Americans for Tax Fairness, some of the country's richest families are spending millions in the '24 elections to help preserve their wealth and power. 50 billionaire families have already injected more than $600 million collectively, with over two-thirds in support of Republican candidates.

Link below to read the full report: https://americansfortaxfairness.org/billionaire-family-business-50-billionaire-clans-already-spent-600-million-2024-elections-mostly-preserve-fortunes/
Patriotic Millionaires
Patriotic Millionaires3 days ago
Since the Trump Tax law came into effect in 2017, many of America's largest corporations have seen profits soar, while paying billions less in tax.

Our friends at ITEP highlight how endemic the issue is, and which companies have benefited most.
