Tag Archives: supreme court

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July! We hope that you and those close to you can spend time today celebrating America’s 248th birthday and everything that makes our country so special. We here at the Patriotic Millionaires like to use Independence Day to remind ourselves what patriotism means and why we go about calling ourselves “patriotic” in the first place. And judging by recent events at the Supreme Court, … Continue reading Happy 4th of July! »

If Durbin Crows About Subpoenas, He Needs to Issue Them

It’s encouraging that the Senate Judiciary Committee has decided to get to the bottom of questions regarding billionaire influence and corruption at the Supreme Court. Now, it’s time they rolled up their sleeves and got their hands dirty to actually make it happen. The last time that we told you about the ethics controversy at the Supreme Court was back in August. We outlined a number of … Continue reading If Durbin Crows About Subpoenas, He Needs to Issue Them »

Sounding Alarms and Waving Flags about Moore v. US

Next week, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments for Moore v. United States. At the eleventh hour, this seemingly esoteric case is starting to get “Moore” attention from the broader public, which is a welcome development considering the damage it could do in the fight for tax justice in America. For several months, the Patriotic Millionaires have been sounding the alarm over Moore v. United States. … Continue reading Sounding Alarms and Waving Flags about Moore v. US »

The Economics of Social Issues

“It’s the economy, stupid” is an oft-repeated truism in politics, quoted by politicos and Beltway journalists alike, after James Carville minted the phrase during the 1992 Presidential election. While the triangulating politics of the 1990s have not aged well, this phrase remains embedded in our lexicon because it was straightforward and carried with it generally helpful guidance for how candidates should run their campaigns. But the simplicity … Continue reading The Economics of Social Issues »

Oligarchy Comes for the Supreme Court

If you need more proof that America is slipping further and further into oligarchy, look no further than recent revelations about the Supreme Court. Oligarchy is a form of government in which a small group of typically wealthy and corrupt people wield power. It derives from the Greek words oligoi (“few”) and arkhein (“to rule”). Over at the Patriotic Millionaires, we regularly describe how oligarchs use their wealth to sway … Continue reading Oligarchy Comes for the Supreme Court »

Get ready for Moore trouble with the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court has been on a roll lately, but, unfortunately, not in the right direction. On June 29, the conservative majority on the Court voted to strike down affirmative action admissions policies at our nation’s colleges and universities. (Click HERE to read the Patriotic Millionaires’ response to the decision.) The next day, June 30, the same majority then voted to block the implementation of President Biden’s student loan forgiveness program. … Continue reading Get ready for Moore trouble with the Supreme Court »

The Supreme Court just dealt a blow to workers

Last week, the Supreme Court dealt yet another blow to unions and working people across the country. For this week’s Closer Look, we want to tell you all about the Court’s latest decision and what it means for the future of labor in America. In Glacier Northwest v. International Brotherhood of Teamsters, the Court’s majority ruled in favor of Glacier Northwest, a concrete company based in … Continue reading The Supreme Court just dealt a blow to workers »