Patriotic Millionaires to United Nations: Tax the Rich, Save the World

If you’re serious about taxing the rich, you have to think globally. Over the last few years, the Patriotic Millionaires have made an urgent case for immediate international cooperation on tax fairness. Slowly, but surely, we are breaking through. And last week, we took our unique message to an audience who had never heard it quite the way the Patriotic Millionaires tell it: the United … Continue reading Patriotic Millionaires to United Nations: Tax the Rich, Save the World »

Corporations are Supercharging Inequality

We always knew that corporations and their C-suite executives were hoarding profits and driving inequality through the roof, and now our friends at Oxfam, the Institute for Policy Studies, and Americans for Tax Fairness have fresh data to prove it. This week, Oxfam published its analysis of the largest 200 public companies’ contributions to inequality in the US, aptly called the Corporate Inequality Footprint. In short, … Continue reading Corporations are Supercharging Inequality »

Taxes are having a moment

Taxes are having a moment. Tomorrow night, President Biden will deliver his annual State of the Union address before both houses of Congress. He is expected to touch on a number of critical issues, but early reports suggest the President will emphasize economic populism, and in particular, call for the ultra-wealthy and corporations to pay more in taxes. In what may be his biggest televised appearance before … Continue reading Taxes are having a moment »

Our First Endorsements of 2024

We hate to kick things off with a cliché, but it’s an important one: elections have consequences. While cynics will dismiss elections as a rubber stamp on the status quo, the reality is that two starkly different realities are possible in January of 2025. In one of those realities, a newly inaugurated President Trump kicks off his second term with a series of vengeful abuses of … Continue reading Our First Endorsements of 2024 »

You’re Not Imagining It

No, you’re not going crazy: your favorite snacks and household products really are diminishing in both size and quality. The new phenomena of “shrinkflation” and “skimpflation” are very real, and they are becoming huge problems for millions of working Americans. Although inflation has cooled considerably since its peak in 2021 and 2022, prices are still ticking up at a faster rate than they were before the COVID … Continue reading You’re Not Imagining It »

Boeing and the Failure of the Invisible Hand

The United States often touts itself as a capitalist economy, wherein each person operates according to their best interest. In theory, we are all mutually dependent, and people make money when they provide goods or services that are valued by other people – and for which they are willing to pay. Adam Smith, writing generations ago in Wealth of Nations, coined the term “Invisible Hand,” … Continue reading Boeing and the Failure of the Invisible Hand »

If Durbin Crows About Subpoenas, He Needs to Issue Them

It’s encouraging that the Senate Judiciary Committee has decided to get to the bottom of questions regarding billionaire influence and corruption at the Supreme Court. Now, it’s time they rolled up their sleeves and got their hands dirty to actually make it happen. The last time that we told you about the ethics controversy at the Supreme Court was back in August. We outlined a number of … Continue reading If Durbin Crows About Subpoenas, He Needs to Issue Them »

Breadcrumbs for the Poor and Bread Baskets for Corporations

The new bipartisan tax deal is just the first of many battles that will ensue over the next year with the expiration of a number of the 2017 Trump tax cuts. Unfortunately, Democrats just can’t seem to help themselves. Instead of standing up and demanding what America really needs – a smart tax code that incentivizes the society they want – they have once again gone … Continue reading Breadcrumbs for the Poor and Bread Baskets for Corporations »

Congress is Trading Horses. Kids are Losing Out.

Republicans and Democrats have been engaging in some horse trading on tax policy lately, but the deal, in its current form, provides corporations – already flush with cash – a massive tax break while working families will see only a modest extension of the Child Tax Credit. Two weeks ago, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden (D-OR) and House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason … Continue reading Congress is Trading Horses. Kids are Losing Out. »

The Definition of a Trillionaire

As of this writing, Merriam-Webster’s dictionary does not have a definition for the word “trillionaire.” But they may want to start drafting one because experts are predicting we’ll need it in about 10 years’ time. Last week, we told you about Oxfam’s new eye-popping report, Inequality Inc. All of the top-line findings were jaw-dropping, but one in particular has generated a significant amount of buzz: if … Continue reading The Definition of a Trillionaire »

Proud to Pay More

If there’s one thing that we want the world leaders at Davos to know, it’s this: we would be proud to pay more in taxes. This week, over 2,800 elites from business, academia, politics, civil society, and the arts are attending the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland – better known as simply “Davos.” The theme of this year’s conference is “Rebuilding Trust,” with many discussions centering around geopolitical … Continue reading Proud to Pay More »

The Solution to Biden’s Problems? The Minimum Wage

If President Biden and the Democrats are looking for a political winner as campaign season gets underway, they should look no further than the minimum wage. We shared the good news with you last week that 22 states and 38 localities across the country officially increased their minimum wages on January 1, which will give 10 million workers a total of $7 billion in increased wages. By the end … Continue reading The Solution to Biden’s Problems? The Minimum Wage »

The Year Ahead

Happy new year! We hope that you had a wonderful holiday season and that your new year has begun with notes of hope and joy. Like everyone else, the Patriotic Millionaires are using the start of a new year to take stock of our priorities and map out the challenges – and opportunities – we anticipate in the year ahead. For this week’s Closer Look, … Continue reading The Year Ahead »

‘Tis the Season for Sticker Shock

‘Tis the season for holiday sticker shock! As Americans finish the last bits of their holiday shopping, they are feeling the heat of higher prices. Thankfully, inflation has certainly cooled down since last year: the Consumer Price Index rose 3.1% over the year ending in November 2023, compared to a 7.1% rise over the year before. But unfortunately, while prices for groceries, gas, rent, and other essentials aren’t rising … Continue reading ‘Tis the Season for Sticker Shock »

Republicans’ Track Record on Tax Evasion is Abysmal

Last week, President Biden’s son Hunter was indicted on nine counts of tax evasion by David Weiss, the special counsel leading an investigation into Hunter’s business dealings. The 56-page indictment alleges that, between 2016 and 2019, Hunter failed to pay at least $1.4 million in federal taxes, and instead used the millions he received in income over that period to fund an “extravagant lifestyle.” Republicans who see the Biden … Continue reading Republicans’ Track Record on Tax Evasion is Abysmal »

Meet America’s New Aristocracy

Oh, to be a billionaire in 2023 – but particularly one born with a silver spoon in their mouth. You’ve heard the Patriotic Millionaires talk about how billionaires took advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic to dramatically enrich themselves while workers got slammed. To sum it up quickly, the global billionaire class increased their collective wealth by a whopping $2.6 trillion between 2020 and 2022. But what has … Continue reading Meet America’s New Aristocracy »

Sounding Alarms and Waving Flags about Moore v. US

Next week, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments for Moore v. United States. At the eleventh hour, this seemingly esoteric case is starting to get “Moore” attention from the broader public, which is a welcome development considering the damage it could do in the fight for tax justice in America. For several months, the Patriotic Millionaires have been sounding the alarm over Moore v. United States. … Continue reading Sounding Alarms and Waving Flags about Moore v. US »

Giving Thanks and the Fights Ahead

Like many of you, the Patriotic Millionaires will be sitting down with our friends and family in the days ahead to give thanks for the blessings of the previous year, celebrate our achievements, and commiserate with our communities. By most objective measures, there is much to which we can toast: from the recent successes of organized labor to declining inflation and a strong job market, … Continue reading Giving Thanks and the Fights Ahead »

Unions are on a roll

The labor movement roared back to life this year, and everyone from factory floors to C-suite offices has taken notice. Yesterday, the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee conducted a hearing about the resurgence of unions in America. In his opening remarks as Chairman, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) highlighted the 450,000 union workers that have gone on strike this year for better wages, benefits, and working conditions – a … Continue reading Unions are on a roll »