Tag Archives: CEO pay

The Gap Between 36% and 1,460%

The strike has begun. The United Auto Workers union has walked off the job amid their dispute with the Big Three automakers. Among their demands is a 36% pay increase across the life of their new four-year contract. At first glance, that might seem like a big jump, but in context, it’s actually a modest request for their wages to match the growth in productivity UAW workers … Continue reading The Gap Between 36% and 1,460% »

Corporate America is Ok with Paying Taxes… So Long As Those Taxes Allow Them To Pay Executives Mega-Millions

by Bob Lord and Emily McCloskey This piece was first published on Inequality.org. This past May, The Wall Street Journal released a bombshell report on trends in American CEO pay. According to their analysis, in 2021, median pay for CEOs at American S&P 500 companies rose to a record-setting $14.7 million, with the 25 highest grossing CEOs earning $35 million and the top 9 earning … Continue reading Corporate America is Ok with Paying Taxes… So Long As Those Taxes Allow Them To Pay Executives Mega-Millions »

Hold Corporate Union-Busters Accountable

In the last few years, we’ve seen a resurgence of the labor movement, especially among workforces in the service and warehouse industry. Employees of corporations like Starbucks, Amazon, and Trader Joe’s are tired of being understaffed, overworked, and underpaid, and they’ve started embracing unions in record numbers. These workers are demanding a place at the table where they can better advocate for higher pay, improved … Continue reading Hold Corporate Union-Busters Accountable »

Despite the Pandemic CEOs Made a Killing in 2020

Last week the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) released a bombshell report that showed CEO pay skyrocketed while worker compensation barely budged over the course of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. This report comes on the heels of Sarah Anderson’s Institute for Policy Studies’ report that revealed just over half of 100 S&P 500 companies who pay the lowest median worker wages broke their rules to give … Continue reading Despite the Pandemic CEOs Made a Killing in 2020 »