Tag Archives: corporate taxes

Breadcrumbs for the Poor and Bread Baskets for Corporations

The new bipartisan tax deal is just the first of many battles that will ensue over the next year with the expiration of a number of the 2017 Trump tax cuts. Unfortunately, Democrats just can’t seem to help themselves. Instead of standing up and demanding what America really needs – a smart tax code that incentivizes the society they want – they have once again gone … Continue reading Breadcrumbs for the Poor and Bread Baskets for Corporations »

Corporate America is Ok with Paying Taxes… So Long As Those Taxes Allow Them To Pay Executives Mega-Millions

by Bob Lord and Emily McCloskey This piece was first published on Inequality.org. This past May, The Wall Street Journal released a bombshell report on trends in American CEO pay. According to their analysis, in 2021, median pay for CEOs at American S&P 500 companies rose to a record-setting $14.7 million, with the 25 highest grossing CEOs earning $35 million and the top 9 earning … Continue reading Corporate America is Ok with Paying Taxes… So Long As Those Taxes Allow Them To Pay Executives Mega-Millions »

There Is No Planet B

After what seems like a summer-long heatwave, more and more Americans are looking to Congress and the White House for answers. While the Republican party has used misinformation and obstruction to hide the causes of climate change, Americans are suffering. Approximately 5 million people die every year due to the effects of climate change, with a projected 250,000 additional deaths per year from 2030 to … Continue reading There Is No Planet B »

California Chapter Supports Assembly Bill 71

The Patriotic Millionaires of California are proud to support California’s AB-71, Bring California Home Act, which would tax the wealthiest corporations in order to address and solve the out-of-control inequality that has led to the alarming number of individuals facing homelessness in our great state. To solve our homelessness crisis AB 71 proposes taxing California’s wealthiest multinational corporation’s Global Intangible Low Taxed Income (GILTI) to … Continue reading California Chapter Supports Assembly Bill 71 »