Tag Archives: Climate Change

There Is No Planet B

After what seems like a summer-long heatwave, more and more Americans are looking to Congress and the White House for answers. While the Republican party has used misinformation and obstruction to hide the causes of climate change, Americans are suffering. Approximately 5 million people die every year due to the effects of climate change, with a projected 250,000 additional deaths per year from 2030 to … Continue reading There Is No Planet B »

Real Economic Relief Needs To Also Tackle Climate Change

We’re quickly approaching a year since the COVID-19 pandemic and job crisis hit the US like a hurricane. Unemployment rates rose along with death rates and feelings of fear and uncertainty. At the height of the Great Recession 8.6 million jobs were lost; it took just three months for the COVID-19 pandemic to exceed that. Working Americans suffered greatly. But while it’s important for Congress … Continue reading Real Economic Relief Needs To Also Tackle Climate Change »

The Climate Crisis In Our Tax Code

This week, Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg gave a blistering speech to world leaders at the United Nations General Assembly on their climate inaction, castigating them for only talking about “fairytales of eternal economic growth.”  She’s right – but fairytales of growth don’t even scratch the surface of our fossil fuel economic problem. Fossil fuels are, unfortunately, so deeply embedded in our political economy that … Continue reading The Climate Crisis In Our Tax Code »

An Unequal Country Can’t Fight Climate Change

Today, April 22nd, 2019, is Earth Day. Right now, according to a coalition of the most knowledgeable scientists from across the world, we have less than 11 years to cut our emissions in half if we have any hope of stopping the most devastating, nature-collapsing consequences of climate change. While scientists and politicians (rightly) talk about renewable energy sources, carbon capture technologies, and climate mitigation, … Continue reading An Unequal Country Can’t Fight Climate Change »