Tag Archives: Economic Recovery

Don’t fall for the inflation fear-mongering

Congress is back in session this week and negotiations over President Biden’s Build Back Better Act continue. House Democrats are waiting for the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) to release its cost estimate for the package and then, hopefully, a vote will be held immediately after, as soon as this Friday. There are still obstacles in the Senate, however. Some Senators, most notably Joe Manchin, claim to … Continue reading Don’t fall for the inflation fear-mongering »

Let’s make The American Rescue Package’s anti-poverty impact permanent

Jonathan Meyer

Congress just passed a long-awaited package designed to be a rescue plan for workers, families, and businesses struggling through the dual economic and public health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. This sweeping package demonstrates the undeniable power of the federal government to significantly reduce poverty when it decides to, and raises two questions: Why should we wait for once-in-a-generation global catastrophes to use the … Continue reading Let’s make The American Rescue Package’s anti-poverty impact permanent »

Real Economic Relief Needs To Also Tackle Climate Change

We’re quickly approaching a year since the COVID-19 pandemic and job crisis hit the US like a hurricane. Unemployment rates rose along with death rates and feelings of fear and uncertainty. At the height of the Great Recession 8.6 million jobs were lost; it took just three months for the COVID-19 pandemic to exceed that. Working Americans suffered greatly. But while it’s important for Congress … Continue reading Real Economic Relief Needs To Also Tackle Climate Change »

Explaining The Ultra-Millionaire Tax Act

On Monday, March 1, Senator Elizabeth Warren, Rep. Pramila Jayapal, and Rep. Brendan Boyle took a stand against out-of-control wealth inequality by introducing The ‘Ultra-Millionaire Tax Act’ to Congress. So what will this tax do? It’s a virtual copy of the wealth tax that Warren ran on in her 2020 presidential campaign. A wealth tax is a yearly tax on the net worth, essentially assets … Continue reading Explaining The Ultra-Millionaire Tax Act »

Don’t Let Inflation Fears Stop COVID Relief

President Biden and his team have announced that about $1.9 trillion of additional money is needed due to the problems caused by the current pandemic.  That is about 9% of the size of the entire US economy — anyway you think about it, that is a big deal. The benefits of that are fairly well articulated by the administration, but because many on the right … Continue reading Don’t Let Inflation Fears Stop COVID Relief »

COVID- 19 Relief Cannot Be a Short-Term Fix

Unsplash | Bp Miller

In a major report this year, global anti-poverty charity Oxfam estimates that the poor could take over a decade to recover from the economic impact of the COVID-19 crisis. Meanwhile, their wealthier counterparts have already recovered – and then some – after just nine months of the pandemic. COVID undoubtedly played a role in expediting the increasing wage inequality in our country, with U.S. Billionaires … Continue reading COVID- 19 Relief Cannot Be a Short-Term Fix »

13 Senators Oppose Helping Their Very Own States

The federal minimum wage has remained at a deplorable amount of $7.25 an hour since 2009, despite the substantial increase in worker productivity and costs of living across the country. Luckily, The Raise the Wage Act of 2021 was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives on January 26th to remedy this injustice.   As President Joe Biden pushes for the increase of the minimum wage … Continue reading 13 Senators Oppose Helping Their Very Own States »

Time for More Stimulus Checks

For what seems like the hundredth time this year, COVID relief bill negotiations are apparently back on, but key differences remain between the two sides, leaving many skeptical that Congress will ever reach a deal. Speaker Pelosi is adamant about providing relief to state and local governments, while Leader McConnell refuses to budge on liability protection for any company whose employees contract the coronavirus – … Continue reading Time for More Stimulus Checks »

Myth Busting: The Millionaire Tax Flight

As the COVID-19 crisis rages on, almost every state is now facing a choice between cutting public services or finding new sources of revenue to meet their sudden budget shortfalls. Most states have responded by enacting severe, harmful austerity measures, like cutting funding for healthcare, education, and other social services that millions of people rely on. But last week, New Jersey became one of the first … Continue reading Myth Busting: The Millionaire Tax Flight »

Congress Failed State and Local Governments. Here’s How They Can Fix It.

This marks the second week since the tumultuous negotiations between Congress and the White House over a fourth COVID-19 stimulus package fell apart. With the Senate on vacation, there is no end to the stalemate in sight.  We need a bill now. The $600 unemployment boost and a litany of renter protections expired last month, leaving between 30 to 40 million people on a financial … Continue reading Congress Failed State and Local Governments. Here’s How They Can Fix It. »

A Payroll Tax Cut is the Worst Stimulus Yet

After the White House ran out the clock on negotiating the next COVID-19 relief bill last week, President Trump enacted four new executive orders to try to circumvent Democrats’ demands. These new orders are largely unconstitutional, and they amount to nothing more than posturing without meaningful substance. One of the key orders arose from Trump’s oft-touted desire to pass a payroll tax cut, which had … Continue reading A Payroll Tax Cut is the Worst Stimulus Yet »

The Good, The Bad, And the Ugly of the HEROES Act

Earlier this month, the Patriotic Millionaires launched an exciting new direct legislative advocacy project in tandem with several key allies called Donors Advocating for Real Economic Solutions (DARES). This joint venture is focused on creating legislation to relieve the economic pressure from the COVID-19 crisis by drawing on the collective power of political donors to directly and effectively lobby on behalf of legislation that will … Continue reading The Good, The Bad, And the Ugly of the HEROES Act »