Tag Archives: Taxes

Boehner Right-Hand Man Mike Sommers Carries (Industry) Interest on Carried Interest

Last week, the Private Equity Growth Capital Council announced Mike Sommers, former Chief of Staff to Speaker of the House John Boehner, as its incoming president and CEO. The trade association has been at the center of a battle over the carried interest loophole, a ridiculous rule in our tax code that allows managers of private investment funds to pay capital gains rates on money they earn managing other people’s money.

Pearls of Wisdom: A Response to Billionaire Bonanza

In a report entitled Billionaire Bonanza released December 2, my fellow Patriotic Millionaire Chuck Collins and Josh Hoxie of the Institute for Policy Studies detailed the extreme and growing level of wealth inequality in America. The results truly scared me and you should be scared too, whether you are part of the 99% or part of the 1%.

Patriotic Millionaires Slam Donald Trump’s Tax Proposal

The Patriotic Millionaires roundly rejected the bulk of Donald Trump’s proposed tax reform that would give massive tax breaks to the wealthiest individuals and corporations in America. One small segment of his tax proposal members of the Patriotic Millionaires do support is an end to the carried interest tax loophole, which allows hedge fund managers to pay lower taxes than working class Americans.

Just Say No To The “Fair” Tax

It’s that time of the campaign cycle again, when aspiring presidential candidates dash across the country to make their case to voters and put forward their plans on how to reform the tax code and the IRS. Many have a new national system in mind, dubbed the “Fair Tax.”