Tag Archives: Patriotic Millionaire Spotlight

Je suis riche, taxez-moi!

The Patriotic Millionaires have a very simple message for the world: “Je suis riche, taxez-moi!” Our organization was recently profiled in a feature-length piece in Le Monde, the most circulated newspaper in France and one of the top newspapers in all of Europe. This is a pretty big deal, and will undoubtedly attract more public interest in our mission across the world. Our Chair, Morris Pearl, and Vice-Chair, Stephen … Continue reading Je suis riche, taxez-moi! »

Why I’m A Patriotic Millionaire: Kristin Luck

I’ve always thought that the more you make, the more you should give back to your community. However, over the course of my life, I’ve realized that my beliefs were often at odds with the wealthy folks around me – folks who would take any opportunity to ignore their societal responsibility to give back to those that helped them earn their fortune, and instead exploit … Continue reading Why I’m A Patriotic Millionaire: Kristin Luck »

Why I’m A Patriotic Millionaire: Karen Edwards

As someone new to being wealthy, I’ve discovered it’s cheap to be rich in this country. Only in America can you make a fortune in Silicon Valley, yet safely send your children to public school, drive your own car, and travel without a bodyguard. The wealthiest Americans can claim depreciation on their private jets, own 2+ homes to claim residence in a no-income-tax state, and … Continue reading Why I’m A Patriotic Millionaire: Karen Edwards »

Anti-Racism & Wealth: Putting Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

As cities across the US continue to see a swath of uprisings in response to the murders of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor by police, our country is being forced to reckon with its racist foundations and systems. That’s long overdue, and there is much more work to be done than what we’ve seen in the past month or so, but the Patriotic Millionaires welcome … Continue reading Anti-Racism & Wealth: Putting Your Money Where Your Mouth Is »

Why I’m a Patriotic Millionaire: Robert Burnett

                FORTUNATE SON: I’ve been very fortunate throughout my life and it has led me to great success and prosperity.  I joined the PATRIOTIC MILLIONAIRES because I believe that everyone should have the same chance I had to live a fortunate life.  I was born and raised in California. And that good fortune allowed me to attend superior … Continue reading Why I’m a Patriotic Millionaire: Robert Burnett »

Member Dispatch: We Need Solidarity in Philly and Beyond

The owner of the shuttered Hahneman hospital in my hometown of Philadelphia wants to charge the city a mind-boggling $400,000 per month in rent for its use in adding to the supply of hospital beds. This man, Joel Freedman, is a great example of CEO’s who should remember the words of a young president taking office: “Ask not what your country can do for you. … Continue reading Member Dispatch: We Need Solidarity in Philly and Beyond »

Quarantining the Economy Is the Only Way to Save It

With great distress, each and every person in America is watching public health and economic catastrophes unfolding daily. As a country, we are terrified by the way the COVID-19 virus kills both people and economies, and, as with people, economies with preexisting conditions are at greater risk. It’s become clear, in a mere matter of weeks, that addressing this issue will take time and thought … Continue reading Quarantining the Economy Is the Only Way to Save It »

Why I Am A Patriotic Millionaire: Dr. Karen Seal Stewart

Some members of the Patriotic Millionaires inherited their wealth or accumulated it from highly paid employment or investments that did very well. I, on the other hand, earned much of my own wealth through my knowledge of the American tax system and the advantages it gives to wealthy investors.  By using extremely favorable tax laws, I was able to postpone paying taxes on the profitable … Continue reading Why I Am A Patriotic Millionaire: Dr. Karen Seal Stewart »

Why I Am A Patriotic Millionaire: John Michael Hemmer

As an American, I believe ours should be a land of golden opportunity—golden opportunity that should be equally available and accessible to all Starting 70 years ago, I experienced American opportunity manifesting into reality in my own life.  As descendants of a poor family that raced for land in the Oklahoma Land Rush, my family survived on $90/month and lived in a tiny apartment.  In … Continue reading Why I Am A Patriotic Millionaire: John Michael Hemmer »

Why I Am A Patriotic Millionaire: Patricia Martone

I’m Patricia Martone, and I joined Patriotic Millionaires in 2016. For thirty years, I was a well-paid partner in some of the nations’ leading law firms, and I now run my own consulting law practice. I am also an investor and have benefitted from a strong stock market. I don’t feel guilty about my wealth. I worked hard as an attorney, and my firm’s employees … Continue reading Why I Am A Patriotic Millionaire: Patricia Martone »

We Have to Fix What Reagan Broke

There’s a lot of (welcome) discussion about taxing the rich these days, but so far, there hasn’t been substantive talk about the structural problems that got our country to its current inequality crisis in the first place. I think this is an absolutely vital narrative to communicate to the American public, because if we want to create lasting, sustainable change, voters need to know just … Continue reading We Have to Fix What Reagan Broke »

Patriotic Millionaires in the Spotlight: Roberta Kaplan

On January 27, Patriotic Millionaire Roberta Kaplan was presented with the Gold Medal Award, the highest honor awarded by the New York State Bar Association. Kaplan is a civil rights lawyer who came to prominence for representing Edith Windsor in United States v. Windsor (2013). As counsel, Kaplan argued that the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was unconstitutional. Her success in the case paved the … Continue reading Patriotic Millionaires in the Spotlight: Roberta Kaplan »

Patriotic Millionaires in the Spotlight: Roberta Kaplan

Despite not being nominated for any awards, the Time’s Up movement was the star of last night’s Golden Globe Awards. Men and women attending the ceremony wore black in solidarity with those working to end workplace harassment, and numerous actresses used their platforms to speak about the newly established legal defense fund. Before it’s formal launch, the Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund had already raised … Continue reading Patriotic Millionaires in the Spotlight: Roberta Kaplan »