Tag Archives: Why I Am A Patriotic Millionaire

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July! We hope that you and those close to you can spend time today celebrating America’s 248th birthday and everything that makes our country so special. We here at the Patriotic Millionaires like to use Independence Day to remind ourselves what patriotism means and why we go about calling ourselves “patriotic” in the first place. And judging by recent events at the Supreme Court, … Continue reading Happy 4th of July! »

Why We Don’t Just Send a Check to the IRS

Last week’s 2023 Annual Spring Meeting was a smashing success! Over the course of two days, we hosted policymakers, experts, and activists in conversations about the need to restructure the economy to reduce inequality, and held dozens of meetings with key lawmakers on Capitol Hill to advocate for higher taxes on ourselves and other wealthy Americans. While we were hard at work fighting to transform … Continue reading Why We Don’t Just Send a Check to the IRS »

Why I Am A Patriotic Millionaire: Jeff Huggett

At some point in everyone’s life they’ve been asked the hypothetical question, “So what would you do if you didn’t have to work for a living?” And for most of my life, that question was nothing more than an interesting thought experiment. Just something nice to think about, but of course I’d never achieve anything like that. So it came as a surprise to me … Continue reading Why I Am A Patriotic Millionaire: Jeff Huggett »

Why I’m a Patriotic Millionaire: Andrew Ellis

I am joining the Patriotic Millionaires for one big reason: sitting on the sidelines and watching is no longer an option – at least not for me.   An increasing number of our fellow citizens feel disparaged by an economy and a politics that offers little or no security, that rewards the few and ignores the many, and that erodes our confidence in those who are … Continue reading Why I’m a Patriotic Millionaire: Andrew Ellis »

Why I’m a Patriotic Millionaire: Ron Guillot

I’m 53 and my wife and our two kids and I live in urban Denver. We are financially fortunate and thanks to two good incomes, decent investments, smart work and luck, we are what I call garden variety millionaires. My wife is an M.D. and I’m an MBA from a non-fancy non-top 25 school. I considered myself politically engaged and a proud and active member … Continue reading Why I’m a Patriotic Millionaire: Ron Guillot »

Why I’m A Patriotic Millionaire: Kristin Luck

I’ve always thought that the more you make, the more you should give back to your community. However, over the course of my life, I’ve realized that my beliefs were often at odds with the wealthy folks around me – folks who would take any opportunity to ignore their societal responsibility to give back to those that helped them earn their fortune, and instead exploit … Continue reading Why I’m A Patriotic Millionaire: Kristin Luck »

Why I’m A Patriotic Millionaire: Karen Edwards

As someone new to being wealthy, I’ve discovered it’s cheap to be rich in this country. Only in America can you make a fortune in Silicon Valley, yet safely send your children to public school, drive your own car, and travel without a bodyguard. The wealthiest Americans can claim depreciation on their private jets, own 2+ homes to claim residence in a no-income-tax state, and … Continue reading Why I’m A Patriotic Millionaire: Karen Edwards »

Why I’m a Patriotic Millionaire: Robert Burnett

                FORTUNATE SON: I’ve been very fortunate throughout my life and it has led me to great success and prosperity.  I joined the PATRIOTIC MILLIONAIRES because I believe that everyone should have the same chance I had to live a fortunate life.  I was born and raised in California. And that good fortune allowed me to attend superior … Continue reading Why I’m a Patriotic Millionaire: Robert Burnett »

Why I Am A Patriotic Millionaire: Dr. Karen Seal Stewart

Some members of the Patriotic Millionaires inherited their wealth or accumulated it from highly paid employment or investments that did very well. I, on the other hand, earned much of my own wealth through my knowledge of the American tax system and the advantages it gives to wealthy investors.  By using extremely favorable tax laws, I was able to postpone paying taxes on the profitable … Continue reading Why I Am A Patriotic Millionaire: Dr. Karen Seal Stewart »

Why I Am A Patriotic Millionaire: John Michael Hemmer

As an American, I believe ours should be a land of golden opportunity—golden opportunity that should be equally available and accessible to all Starting 70 years ago, I experienced American opportunity manifesting into reality in my own life.  As descendants of a poor family that raced for land in the Oklahoma Land Rush, my family survived on $90/month and lived in a tiny apartment.  In … Continue reading Why I Am A Patriotic Millionaire: John Michael Hemmer »

Why I Am A Patriotic Millionaire: Patricia Martone

I’m Patricia Martone, and I joined Patriotic Millionaires in 2016. For thirty years, I was a well-paid partner in some of the nations’ leading law firms, and I now run my own consulting law practice. I am also an investor and have benefitted from a strong stock market. I don’t feel guilty about my wealth. I worked hard as an attorney, and my firm’s employees … Continue reading Why I Am A Patriotic Millionaire: Patricia Martone »