Tag Archives: Taxes

Fix the Tax Gap, Fund the IRS

Although the framework of the bipartisan infrastructure plan has been largely agreed on by a group of both Democrats and Republicans, it was only a matter of time before the more extreme elements of the GOP tried to undermine the deal. And right on cue as the bipartisan working group is attempting to finalize the bill’s details, some conservative groups are now demanding that the … Continue reading Fix the Tax Gap, Fund the IRS »

What You Need to Know About the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal

The bipartisan infrastructure deal that Senate Democrats, Republicans, and President Joe Biden agreed on last week looks like it may already be in danger. With Democratic leadership promising to link the bipartisan bill to a larger reconciliation bill that includes more progressive priorities and tax hikes on the rich, and Republicans threatening to back out if Democrats pair the two bills together, there’s a lot … Continue reading What You Need to Know About the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal »

It Is Time We Reexamine the Cost of Reaganomics

President Ronald Reagan was a popular United States President. Upon leaving office, 63 percent of Americans overwhelmingly approved of the job he had done during his 8 years in office. His post-presidency popularity was solidified with efforts led by lobbyist and anti-tax activist Grover Norquist to convince local governments and private associations to name public spaces after Regan to preserve his legacy— particularly his tax … Continue reading It Is Time We Reexamine the Cost of Reaganomics »

California Chapter Supports Assembly Bill 71

The Patriotic Millionaires of California are proud to support California’s AB-71, Bring California Home Act, which would tax the wealthiest corporations in order to address and solve the out-of-control inequality that has led to the alarming number of individuals facing homelessness in our great state. To solve our homelessness crisis AB 71 proposes taxing California’s wealthiest multinational corporation’s Global Intangible Low Taxed Income (GILTI) to … Continue reading California Chapter Supports Assembly Bill 71 »

Explaining The Ultra-Millionaire Tax Act

On Monday, March 1, Senator Elizabeth Warren, Rep. Pramila Jayapal, and Rep. Brendan Boyle took a stand against out-of-control wealth inequality by introducing The ‘Ultra-Millionaire Tax Act’ to Congress. So what will this tax do? It’s a virtual copy of the wealth tax that Warren ran on in her 2020 presidential campaign. A wealth tax is a yearly tax on the net worth, essentially assets … Continue reading Explaining The Ultra-Millionaire Tax Act »

President Trump’s Tax Returns Are Bad. You Can Thank the Tax Code.

Yesterday morning, the New York Times released a damning report on President Trump’s tax returns, detailing how the President has avoided millions of dollars on his tax bill for the past decade, despite continuing to wrack up millions every year.  Much of the attention garnered by the report has focused on the fact that the meager $750 Trump paid in taxes in each 2016 and … Continue reading President Trump’s Tax Returns Are Bad. You Can Thank the Tax Code. »

Taxing the Rich: The People’s Choice

As the final sprint to the 2020 election kicks into gear, prepare to hear a lot about the choice at the top of the ticket and the accompanying admonitions not to forget down ballot races. However, just as importantly, voters will weigh in on an array of ballot initiatives and referendums in 26 states and Washington, D.C. Although these are often glossed over for splashy, … Continue reading Taxing the Rich: The People’s Choice »

Biden’s Tax Plan Doesn’t Go Far Enough

With both the Democratic and Republican National Conventions behind us, the 2020 election is finally, really, underway, ushering in the final sprint in a race for the White House with profound economic implications. After four years of President Trump, we have a clear sense of what he wants to do with our tax code – cut taxes for millionaires, billionaires, and corporations. Considering that the … Continue reading Biden’s Tax Plan Doesn’t Go Far Enough »

A Wealth Tax Is the Perfect COVID Stimulus Measure

If you think back to the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis in the US in March, you might remember all the doomsday headlines about the stock market tanking to record lows and investors losing millions of dollars as a result. Three months later, those headlines have entirely disappeared, and there’s a reason for that: the stock market has recovered almost all of the losses incurred … Continue reading A Wealth Tax Is the Perfect COVID Stimulus Measure »

The Good, The Bad, And the Ugly of the HEROES Act

Earlier this month, the Patriotic Millionaires launched an exciting new direct legislative advocacy project in tandem with several key allies called Donors Advocating for Real Economic Solutions (DARES). This joint venture is focused on creating legislation to relieve the economic pressure from the COVID-19 crisis by drawing on the collective power of political donors to directly and effectively lobby on behalf of legislation that will … Continue reading The Good, The Bad, And the Ugly of the HEROES Act »

Year In Review: 2019

As 2019 comes to a close, let’s take a moment to look back at the major events that impacted the state of the economy – and the national conversation around our three core issues – as we enter the new year, and the many policy developments this year that are giving us hope for better, brighter decade to come. 

Actually, Taxing Capital Is A Great Idea

As the 2020 presidential candidates increasingly talk about raising taxes on the wealthy, it seems like every day a new, well-paid talking head comes out of the woodwork to try and convince us all why this would somehow, actually, be a bad thing. The latest act of mental gymnastics comes to us from Lee Ohanian, an economics professor at UCLA, who desperately wants working Americans … Continue reading Actually, Taxing Capital Is A Great Idea »

“The Triumph of Injustice” and How to Tax Our Way Back

Every year, the gap between the wealthiest Americans and the rest of the country grows wider and wider. While 40% of Americans would be unable to come up with $400 in an emergency, a select few wonder where they’ll park their next yacht. But we didn’t arrive to a reality where the richest 10% of Americans hold 70% of the countries’ wealth by accident.   In … Continue reading “The Triumph of Injustice” and How to Tax Our Way Back »

The Climate Crisis In Our Tax Code

This week, Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg gave a blistering speech to world leaders at the United Nations General Assembly on their climate inaction, castigating them for only talking about “fairytales of eternal economic growth.”  She’s right – but fairytales of growth don’t even scratch the surface of our fossil fuel economic problem. Fossil fuels are, unfortunately, so deeply embedded in our political economy that … Continue reading The Climate Crisis In Our Tax Code »

Equalizing Capital Gains is Essential for Equality

Most working Americans see taxes taken out of their paycheck every other week. Wages are taxed in real-time, while investment growth (from stocks, dividends, etc., ) is only taxed when the investment is sold. On any given year, rich people are not paying any taxes on the majority of any increase in their personal wealth. This is because most of their wealth comes from their … Continue reading Equalizing Capital Gains is Essential for Equality »